Lucy is on a joint supplement – has been for 7-8 years – there was very little arthritis in the joint as a result… more recently she has been on your GlycanAid… we’re on the second bottle! She really likes it and eats it right up… getting what she needs in her has always been a challenge for a picky Standard Poodle – so it is a big deal for us to have your product – especially now – she chomps it right down! (It’s nice for something to be easy!) The upside is being picky has also kept her trim… and she has lived a life of a very active dog – with how this looks changing with her age…
Regarding getting back to her life after this big event – Lucy will have PT support from her canine masseuse and acupuncture as well… I am icing her 3 times a day, doing gentle massage myself, and very gentle passive range of motion as she is only 2 days post ob. …so I think we are off to a good start!
I’ve attached a picture of Lucy at the end of her time as hiking dog… she’s still a marvel – though our adventures are much more simple now… these are what we hope to get back to… nice walks on our back 40 trails in Montpelier, Vermont…
I’ll keep you posted as she moves through the recovery process and look forward to your email updates.
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