5 star glycanaid review
Sanjive & Pushok

I’m skeptical of all the supplements recommended for my dogs hind legs. He, a 10 year old mixed breed, had three surgeries on two legs. The vet was not particularly effusive of any supplement, ” you can try them ” she said dryly. Dr. J’s knee surgery handbook was the only one available anywhere ,…
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5 star glycanaid review
Dora & Lily

One year ago this month, our almost 6 year old girl, Lily had a TPLO on her right hind leg. I found Top Dog while preparing for surgery and doing a search on how to rehab your dog afterward. I was so glad to have the reassurance of other people who had gone through this.…
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5 star glycanaid review
Marika & Lily

Hi Dr J., Thanks for your mail. My dog Lily had TPLO surgery in Oct. 2012. We were very thankful for your help with the recovery using all your suggestions for getting her back on her feet. Unfortunately she has a very sensitive stomach and every time I gave her the GlycanAid HA, she got…
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5 star glycanaid review
Laura & Kona

Our last chocolate lab was purchased from a recognized breeder in Southern Pines, NC. She died at 15, and a month later my job was eliminated. She had no medical problems in her 15 years, which spoiled us. It took us over a year to adjust to getting another dog, and this one, was pretty…
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5 star glycanaid review
Martha + Pilot

Before Pilot was 2 years old he had blown both his knees (ACLs). (Thank you TOP DOG for your rehab/PT program!) After both knees were healed up he continued to limp and it was heartbreaking to see a 2 year old limping! We tried a couple different supplements but it wasn’t helping…we tried laser and…
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5 star glycanaid review
Mary, Charra & Tarki

My family often debates how many years over the age of 10 our Catahoula, Charra, really is. What we don’t debate is that she loves the outdoors and the word “hike” sends her and our other dog, Tarki, into a frenzy of excitement. So when Charra had ACL tears in both knees as well as…
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