5 star joint supplement review
Diane & Austin

Our catahoula mix Austin luxated his right patella in October 2015 when he was only 10 months old and had right-sided MPL repair in November 2015.  On December 20, 7 weeks into rehab, he luxated his left patella and had MPL repair on January 15 but just a week later it popped out again so he had a revision on January 28.  After much research, we started Austin…
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5 star glycanaid review
Margaret & Sadie

Very happy with the products (Flexerna and GlycanAid HA). Sadie has a torn cruciate ligament. We have opted to wait on surgery for reasons other than money. She seems to limp less and even runs at times even though we would rather she not right now. Will be reordering as we have tried many other…
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5 star glycanaid review
Valerie Burger & Daisy

Thank you for your persistent contact and information.  Daisy my cairn terrier, is recovering very nicely from her cruciate surgery about 4 months ago.  Although she is much more active and is now jumping up on the couch she is slow to get up from rest.  When she’s been sleeping she has a pronounced limp…
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Patricia & Lacey

I have been wanting to write and thank you so much for your 12 week rehab program as I had written you earlier re: Lacey have two torn ACL’s and not having surgery on either due to what people were telling us, her age was 8. We did not have the surgery but I followed…
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Karen Covington & Morgan

Dr. J, I was a veterinary surgical tech for many years and I’m very knowledgable in animal health, large and small animals. I’m very, very skeptical with it comes to supplements claiming big improvements. Glycanaid? All I know to say is WOW, WOW, and WOW! My 14 year old rat terrier had been stiff in…
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Levi’s Family

Levi had his 6 week x-rays (Post TPLO) & everything looks great! THIS IS THE BEST FEELING EVER! It has been worth every second of all this hard work. It was this support system that got me & Levi through this very traumatic experience. This has been my life-line. I truly thank every single person…
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