5 star glycanaid review
Pam Caster & Barkley

Dear Dr. St. Clair, I purchased the GlycanAid-HA after my pug-mix Barkley completely tore his ACL and our vet referred him to a surgeon to have it repaired. I took the bottle to the surgeon during our consultation, and he was impressed with the ingredients and enthusiastically gave us the go-ahead to give it to…
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Lucille and Shelby

This website was the best thing that could have been found for information on the surgery Shelby (Aussie Cattle Dog/Sieberian Husky plus) was about to have. The weekly instructions help so much. While expectations were addressed at the Vet’s they were no where as helpful as having your instruction manual ( downloaded free) right at…
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Deb Allen & Pago

I would just like to take a moment to thank you for your unmatched help in the recovery of my Boxer, Pago. He tore his ACL and Meniscus last January running in the snow.  He had TPLO surgery with some instructions; however, your information on your website was invaluable.  He and my other dog are…
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Rainier seems to have improved! It has only been 2 or 3 weeks. He moves better and isn’t so stiff when he first gets up. The snapping noises aren’t so prominent when he gets up and lies down. So I would call that significant improvement! he is walking without showing signs of pain like in…
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