Dr. St. Clair, You are an amazing man! My pooch Brett will be having his TTA surgery this Thursday.I was so filled with anxiety when I received the news that Brett’s ACL was ruptured. I found your site and booklet on post-op care. Thank you so much. Your excellent information has put my mind in…
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Hi Dr. James, Our golden is five months out from surgery and I am very grateful to have had the benefit of your wisdom and guidance. Connor started a weekly rehab program in December using the underwater treadmill and other strengthening exercises. We of course are continuing conditioning him at home on a daily basis…
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Hi Dr. James, Our golden is five months out from surgery and I am very grateful to have had the benefit of your wisdom and guidance. Connor started a weekly rehab program in December using the underwater treadmill and other strengthening exercises. We of course are continuing conditioning him at home on a daily basis…
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Dear Dr. J, I just wanted to say that you are so admired for your dedication and caring. Your informative messages are always appreciated and they are a great learning experience, especially in your presentation. I am so glad that I found your site over a year ago while gathering insight on the different surgical…
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I found this printed material to be EXTREMELY helpful and was so grateful to have them as a resource. My dog had TTA surgery in January and I followed the rehab plan as close to it as I could and I am happy to report that (after what seemed like a very long, trying process)…
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Thanks – your information has been very helpful and at end of week 1 we are doing very well — too well and that’s the problem — very active dog not used to being calm and quiet — but doing his best. your articles and information are very helpful. Surgery was today – he had…
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