Carrine & Bugsy

Thanks for the Email Dr. J… so far im extremely happy with the Glycanaid HA. Bugsy has been taking the loading dose for 2 weeks now, not only does he love the taste but it really seems to be helping with his recovery. He’s 3 weeks post op and getting better every day!
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I am really happy with the GlycanAid HA.  I used it after right after my dog recovered from her cruciate ligament surgery thanks to a promotional coupon you sent me.  After we were done with the bottle I put her on her regular glucosamine supplement pills and my husband and I noticed right away that…
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Deborah & Deedee

Dear Dr. J, I just wanted to say that you are so admired for your dedication and caring.  Your informative messages are always appreciated and they are a great learning experience, especially in your presentation. I am so glad that I found your site over a year ago while gathering insight on the different surgical…
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Crystal & Ollie

Ollie’s doing great! We took it very easy and followed your rehab guide and also we give him the GlycanAid HA, three wafers a day (he’s 75 pounds) and I can tell you that we could tell a difference within that first week of double dosing!!!! This stuff is magic!!!!! Thank you so much for…
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Levi’s Family

Levi had his 6 week x-rays (Post TPLO) & everything looks great! THIS IS THE BEST FEELING EVER! It has been worth every second of all this hard work. It was this support system that got me & Levi through this very traumatic experience. This has been my life-line. I truly thank every single person…
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Jill Valentine & Quincy

Hi Dr. J. and Staff, I just wanted to send a quick note to say “thank you” all for your support and information for my dog Quincys recovery.  I found your sight by accident about 1 week prior to my dogs surgery.  I have to say that If not for you sight, I would have…
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