5 star glycanaid review
Barb, Dave, Jake and Elwood

This is Jake. He’s looking sheepish because he doesn’t like to have his picture taken. But he also just got done playing fetch with his brother Elwood, which is something he couldn’t do until recently. Jake had cruciate surgery in November, and our vet recommended that we follow the Top Dog Rehab Guide. It was…
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dog joint supplement review
Jo Pfeffer & Inky

Hi, Dr. J! Just wanted to let you know that Inky is still on the GlycanAid HA, and is doing great! She’s going on 12 now, and hasn’t yelped at all since starting on GlycanAid last year. At her last checkup in January of this year from her regular vet, he determined that both stifles…
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5 star glycanaid review
Marcia Bryan & Oreo

You helped our Oreo so much during her different CCL surgeries. She has recovered after 4 years. She is able to jump and run with her sister that is a 5 years old Lab. We let Oreo rest after walks that are anywhere from 3 miles to 5 miles long. She is a joy to…
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5 star glycanaid review
Lynn & Nugget

Nugget is still doing well at 12.5 years, about 2 years after his TPLO surgery (and then six months later, the redo of this surgery). After the first one, I did exactly what the surgeon said for rehab (which was basically keep him on a leash for a long time and then let him loose),…
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5 star glycanaid review
Stacy Smith, Ruby & Dotti

I have 2 highly active Springer Spaniel dogs that are 9 (Ruby) and 12 (Dotti) years old. In 2011, my younger one, Ruby started to limp on her front leg. I had her X-rayed and vet told me she had a bone spur and should not walk over a mile at a time. A few…
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5 star glycanaid review
Paul & Patty Genovese & Angel

To: TopDog & Dr. St. Clair, Your products, books, and articles, were a god send for our 9 year (old at the time) Flat Coat Retriever. After her successful knee surgery, with the help of our wonderful vet, GlycanAid HA, and the additional rehab knowledge you shared, she came back as strong as ever. Unfortunately…
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