Very happy with the products (Flexerna and GlycanAid HA). Sadie has a torn cruciate ligament. We have opted to wait on surgery for reasons other than money. She seems to limp less and even runs at times even though we would rather she not right now. Will be reordering as we have tried many other things including Winston’s joint system and this is the only thing that appears to be helping her mobility and pain so will continue to order. Also appreciated the quick delivery after placing order.
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Thank you for your persistent contact and information. Daisy my cairn terrier, is recovering very nicely from her cruciate surgery about 4 months ago. Although she is much more active and is now jumping up on the couch she is slow to get up from rest. When she’s been sleeping she has a pronounced limp when she starts moving.
We have been using GlycanAid HA since her tear and I feel it helps. She LOVES it. Daisy takes her GlycanAid HA right before bed. As soon as she sees the bottle she bounces into her crate and sits at attention. It is a great treat.
I have added Flexerna to her morning meal for additional support. My biggest fear is having the other cruciate tear. Daisy weighs 16 lbs and I give her 1 tablet every evening. Thanks for your support.
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I have been wanting to write and thank you so much for your 12 week rehab program as I had written you earlier re: Lacey have two torn ACL’s and not having surgery on either due to what people were telling us, her age was 8. We did not have the surgery but I followed your 12 week Rehab program to the letter doing every step of yours, plus ordering the Glycanaid and the Flexerna too, both helped immediately. I have also had a vet come and do some cold laser on her legs along with spinal manipulation.
This summer I have had her in the water, she does not like it, but I bath her and have her swim as well.
The swimming has really strengthened her legs as well. Yes last New Years eve she had already torn her right ACL and that day she tore her left. She could not walk we had to take her to the vet carrying her with towels and they put her on a stretcher.
I had to start my/your Rehab out by helping her stand with towels. It has all worked and she runs and plays just like a normal dog, barking and having the time of her life.
We go swimming at the bay and walk down the pier together no one would believe that 8 months ago she could not move and I attribute it to your incredible 12 week program. Feel free to use this anyway you need or want as far as for your worth, advertising or whatever.
Thank you so much,
Oh by the way we used the shorted leash in the rehab and we always used to use an extension, due to your rehab i still only use the short leash and Lacey does not mind at all.

Dr. J,
I was a veterinary surgical tech for many years and I’m very knowledgable in animal health, large and small animals. I’m very, very skeptical with it comes to supplements claiming big improvements.
Glycanaid? All I know to say is WOW, WOW, and WOW! My 14 year old rat terrier had been stiff in his front legs and his hind legs were starting to collapse when he’d stand up on them. I know all too well the side effects of pred and I didn’t want him on it long term, and pain meds help, but they just mask.
I truly wish I had taken before video of my boy. We just finished the 14 day loading dose and honestly I was not expecting any real results for 6+ weeks. We live in the country on a farm in a leash free world… I can’t keep up with him! He is standing strong on his hind legs for treats. He even brought the cows in at feeding time yesterday.
He is attempting to jump up on the bed again and I believe he’s going to succeed soon!
I wish all veterinarians would carry this product. I have also given my boy the Flexerna oil. The results are nothing short of phenomenal! No side effects either!!
Thank you, thank you!! I know he’s in his golden years and we all wish they’d live longer, but now he can enjoy himself again…. and I have peace of mind knowing he is comfortable and NOT ON PRED!!
Thank you again!!!

Levi had his 6 week x-rays (Post TPLO) & everything looks great! THIS IS THE BEST FEELING EVER! It has been worth every second of all this hard work. It was this support system that got me & Levi through this very traumatic experience. This has been my life-line. I truly thank every single person on this site who has posted comments to all my questions & for all posts about your experiences that have answered many of my questions. Also the harness, ice pack, Glycanaid HA & Flexerna that I have bought through TopDog have been incredible (I have used the harness up until yesterday & just put regular collar back on. We are the happiest family ever, 30 minute walks and leash for potty:) What an amazing thing you have done Dr. J…Here in Kansas City you are a celebrity & my family and I tell everyone about what an amazing vet you are. THANK YOU

Hi Dr. J. and Staff,
I just wanted to send a quick note to say “thank you” all for your support and information for my dog Quincys recovery. I found your sight by accident about 1 week prior to my dogs surgery. I have to say that If not for you sight, I would have no idea how to help my dog recover. I printed the TPLO recovery guide and studied it from page to page. It now looks like an old book because I refer to it all the time to see what I should be doing. My dog is now 8 weeks post TPLO and he is doing very well. Due to the information on your website and the recovery guide, my vet was amazed at how well Quincy is using his leg and how little muscle loss he has. If not for the information and TPLO guide, I think my dog would be weeks behind in his recovery. In addition, I ordered the Glycanaid HA and Flexerna and see a huge difference in him. I will continue to use these supplements for him as he is 8 years old and will need them for the rest of his years. So thank you again, and I will continue to come to your website for information as well as ordering the amazing supplements you offer.

My 6yr old Golden retriever Dakota had a traditional CCL repair and had part of her meniscus removed almost 7 months ago After surgery she was still very stiff when she got up and would limp when tired after a 15 min walks. I started her on Flexerna and GlycanAid-HA and now she is acting like a puppy!! no limp after running, swimming in the ocean and walking on the beach. She now takes me for walks. Even with the cold temperatures, I thought arthritis would make her even stiffer but she has been fine!! I have a very happy energetic dog! I know it’s the supplements because I was told that even with the surgery that I would still see stiffness due to arthritis but I have seen improvement and no stiffness!
Thank you Top Dog for making my Dakota a happy dog!

My German Shepherd has been on GlycanAid-HA and Flexerna for over a month and is doing really well. He’s moving about far better than before – although in fairness he’s also recovering from TPLO surgery, so I’d expect him to be doing better. The thing is before surgery his other knee seemed to have issues as well and that knee had to do extra weight-bearing while he recovered from the surgery. So the fact that he’s not favoring either leg and able to get up readily and anxious to do all sorts of activity says to me he’s doing a lot better. He loves the GlycanAid-HA and seems to view it as a treat rather than something I have to trick him into taking, which makes it easier for me. He’s doing so well, I have no intention of stopping the GlycanAid-HA even though empirically that would be a better testament as to its effectiveness. While there are other somewhat similar products out there, TopDog seems dedicated to making sure that the ingredients are first-rate, not cheaper less effective versions. And if you have questions, Dr. J. will respond to you himself, which increases my confidence in these products.