5 star glycanaid review
Paul & Patty Genovese & Angel

To: TopDog & Dr. St. Clair, Your products, books, and articles, were a god send for our 9 year (old at the time) Flat Coat Retriever. After her successful knee surgery, with the help of our wonderful vet, GlycanAid HA, and the additional rehab knowledge you shared, she came back as strong as ever. Unfortunately…
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5 star joint supplement review
Diane & Austin

Our catahoula mix Austin luxated his right patella in October 2015 when he was only 10 months old and had right-sided MPL repair in November 2015.  On December 20, 7 weeks into rehab, he luxated his left patella and had MPL repair on January 15 but just a week later it popped out again so he had a revision on January 28.  After much research, we started Austin…
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5 star glycanaid review
Liz Langford & Sterling

Last spring my heart dog Sterling, had to have FHO surgery due to hip dysplasia.  My Vet gave me a copy of Dr J’s Home Therapy Booklet and it was a godsend.  I followed it and my Cavalier made steady progress.  About mid way through the recovery, I decided to try the GlycanAid HA supplement,…
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5 star glycanaid review
Dorothy & Baron Von

Baron Von is an 11 yr. old Shitzu. I have given him GlycanAid HA for almost five years after learning that his limp was caused by an ACL problem. The vet did not recommend surgery. The GlycanAid HA helped him greatly. After losing almost 20% of his weight since May of this year, he was…
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5 star glycanaid review
Cathy and Pork Chop

Hello Dr. St.Clair, First of all, my dog did not have the surgery. I found your website when researching what the rehab would entail if and when my guy would need the surgery. I was very interested in the weekly instructions and found all the information very informative even though I didn’t need to use…
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5 star glycanaid review
Monique & Daisy

I have an 11 month old mini golden doodle. About 3 months ago she started having problems with her hind legs, particularly the left. She would lift the leg and it seemed to lock in place, but not forgery long. Sometimes I would pick her up to straighten her hind legs and she would be…
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