Meniscal Injuries

What is it Who gets it? What are the signs? How is it diagnosed? Why did this happen to my dog? How is it treated? Can it be prevented? What is the prognosis for my dog? What Is It? Within the stifle or knee, joint there are two menisci, which are C-shaped structures made of…


What is it? Who gets it? What are the signs? How is it diagnosed? Why did this happen to my dog? How is it treated? Can it be prevented? What is the prognosis for my dog? What Is It? Osteoarthritis (OA) is also known as a degenerative joint disease (DJD), or simply arthritis. It is…


The Most Common Conditions Affecting Dogs’ Knees: Joint Problems: Cranial Cruciate Ligament Rupture (CCL) commonly called ACL rupture Caudal Cruciate Ligament Rupture Medial Patellar Luxation (MPL) Meniscal Injury Osteoarthritis Panosteitis Soft Tissue Problems: Lateral Collateral Damage Patellar Tendonitis

Orthopedic Surgeries

TPLO The TPLO (Tibial Plateau Leveling Osteotomy) surgery has become one of the most popular orthopedic surgeries performed on dogs who have torn their cranial cruciate ligament, also commonly referred to as the dog acl. MPL Medial patellar luxation (MPL) surgery is performed to correct the luxation, or “popping out” of the kneecap (called the…