Lateral Fabellar Suture Stabilization for Dogs

  What is Lateral Fabellar Suture Stabilization Surgery? When you first hear mention of the lateral fabellar suture stabilization surgery for torn cranial cruciate ligaments (CCL) in dogs you may think that your veterinarian is making it up, that they’re trying to pull a fast one on you. But in fact, the lateral fabellar suture…

CBLO for Dogs

  What is a CBLO Surgery? This is a surgery that’s weighted down in acronyms, so let’s first clear the air by defining some of those acronyms that may cause confusion. CBLO stands for CORA Based Leveling Osteotomy. CORA stands for Center Of Rotation of Angulation. This just refers to the intersection between the axis…

TightRope Surgery for Dogs

What is TightRope CCL Fixation Surgery? If there’s one good thing about your dog having a torn cranial cruciate ligament (CCL), it’s that there are many effective ways of fixing it. One of those ways is with the TightRope system. The TightRope system is a type of extracapsular fixation, meaning the entire stabilization takes place…

How much does TPLO surgery cost

How Much Does TPLO Surgery Cost

When your dog is holding up their hindleg and whining in pain, you just want to get them feeling better. You don’t want to think about how much it’s going to cost to do so. Unfortunately, when it comes to pet care, finances are a real concern. With differences between pet insurance and human health…