I will never stop giving Molly GlycanAid. In her younger years, she was very active and “naughty”, so to speak, being a Lab/Boxer mix.
At 3-1/2 yrs old, she tore her left hind ACL. After a TPLO surgery, I was searching the web for the best after-surgery care and stumbled upon your website. I followed all the steps you recommended religiously. She healed completely after only 4 months! She’s been running, jumping, chasing, playing around as if nothing has happened to her. The important thing is the physical therapy that goes along with the GlycanAid.
Molly is now 11-1/2 yrs. old. Started slowing down only this year, and developed a limp due to a soft tissue shoulder injury. Arthritis has started to kick in, but not in her limbs. Only on the back neck region, left and right, and her two lower back discs. She’s a big girl, 85lbs. but she will still chase that occasional rabbit or cat or turkey! Yes, our walks are shorter and slower, but we keep on. Every day, twice a day, rain or shine. Our schedule has not changed.
It’s been 8yrs and I never stopped giving her GlycanAid. I never will.
Molly & Roz