Smokey who will be 8 years old Jan 2nd, 2016 appears to be completely healed after suffering two ACL tears, one in September of 2013 and the second one in December of 2014. He has more energy than ever, which wouldn’t ordinarily seem to put him at risk of suffering another ACL tear, except that he knows no fear and he goes all out to catch a Frisbee or a ball going at full speed and jumping at the end to snag the Frisbee or ball. We couldn’t be happier with Smokey’s progress and I believe we owe it in part, if not all to his continued use of GlycanAid HA. Smokey has been on that supplement since November of 2013 and seems to be getting stronger every day. We want to thank Dr. J for his invaluable input in the rehab portion of Smokey’s recovery and for recommending GlycanAid HA. We wouldn’t be without it and we recommend it to anyone who truly wants the best for their canine buddy. I have to admit I’m a bit concerned yet when I play Frisbee with Smokey because of the fearless and reckless way he goes after Frisbee’s and balls. But I’m confident he’ll continue to show improvement, though we couldn’t be happier with his physical condition as it is right now. Thanks again Dr. J. to you and your terrific company for providing a truly remarkable product that has made life totally wonderful for Smokey and me.