Our Cooper is a Labradoodle. He will be 4 in February and weighs just about 82 lbs. He is great now running, hopping, dashing, darting, and his favorite swimming. Just about a year and a half ago he pulled his ACL on the right side and the cushion in the left had rolled up and he could not extend his leg straight. The surgeries went good and repairs were done and things were going good until the right side repairs snapped and we needed to start all over again with another surgery and rehabilitation. It was at this time that I learned about GlycanAid HA and the wonderful staff at Top Dog. Dr. James St. Clair always had time to send information about Cooper’s rehabilitation and answer question. He was concerned and I could tell that he really wanted to follow Cooper’s progress. Cooper will need to take GlycanAid HA probably for the rest of his happy, healthy, life and I know because of this product he healed strong, quickly and is not in pain. This is a picture of Cooper from the past summer. It was the first summer back into the pool after his surgeries and rehabilitation. As you can see no problems here! TOP DOG YOU ARE GREAT.