Hi Dr James,
Thank for the Home Rehabilitation Guide it is an excellent guide, much more informative than any information/guidance I had from my Vet. My vet was delighted with Rex’s progress after his TPLO operation, it was thanks to your guide and supporting e-mails. It certainly was a time consuming and energy sapping time for me, but worth every second. A year on and Rex has just had his annual Mountain climb to a height of 3,000 feet, he was scrambling over boulders and going down steep ravines just like a mountain goat, he loves it. At the end of the walk he was tired but with such a sparkle in his ear and wide grin on his face that said thank you, and he was glad that he was still able to do the things he loved. He has a slight limp in his rear leg, but that is due to the amount of ligament that had to be cut away, it doesn’t bother him at all.
Thank you once again!