GlycanAid HA is an amazing product. My lab Bruin had TTO surgery on one knee last year and I followed your rehabilitation guides religiously and used GlycanAid HA. He healed very nicely but I got lazy about ordering and starting sending my daughter to our vet who’s a few blocks away to pick up Dasaquin. Plus we had a super icy winter — the snow drifts became permanent ice bluffs so neither bruin or his labby sister got much exercise. Finally spring arrived but Bruin’s gait was horrible. He kept skipping to avoid putting pressure on his good leg. I was certain he needed another surgery and I didn’t have the stomach for the cost or the recovery. My lovely boy also ate a sock last summer that had to be surgically removed to the tune of $5900. The vet said his knee felt swollen but did not appear to be torn. I immediately ordered GlycanAid HA and your omega oil. I put him on the loading dose — in fact I’m kinda afraid to cut back because he’s waking beautifully. No skipping and laugh all you want the boy lifts his leg high and keeps his balance on the standing leg!