I’m so FLIPPIN excited… I started “Zoe” (my almost 6 yr old Siberian Husky) on GlycanAid about 3 weeks after her TPLO surgery (surgery on 9/26/13) & we JUST came home from her 8 wk check up & X-rays…. Oh my GOSH! We… My hubby, Vet & myself are very EXCITED to report that he can’t even see a line where the bone was cut n moved. The healing is FANTABULOUS! GlycanAid is AWESOME!!!
I’m so thankful I came across your TPLO video & website the night before my baby’s surgery. YOU have gotten me thru it ALL. Weekly email with therapy guidelines, emails answering my questions & concerns, GlycanAid & Flexerna & ALL the AWESOME info on your website… You’re the BEST! Thank you sooo very much. I know we are NOT out of the woods by far & she just started limping on the other (non surgery) leg which scares me to death… but…. Her surgery stuff is all moving along so nicely & in my heart… I owe it all to you.
I’m really bummed that I can’t thank you & give you a hug in person but… Know that I TRULY do appreciate all you have done for not only myself & my Siberian… But to all who come in contact with you.