Shelby had her TPLO surgery on Jan. 13,2014. Shelby is a Aussie cattle dog/Siberian Husky weighing in at 50.1 lbs. the date of surgery.
I give all my thanks to the manual on care downloaded free from TopDog. Without that I was in the dark as to how to give her the care she needed. Not affording professional help I used the guidelines given. With that and adding the GlycanAid HA to her diet, we have come through with flying colors.
Our surgeon says she is healed 100 percent and she has no limping at all. She is now off leash for most of the day only back on when circumstances require it ( neighbors dog out, squirrel harassing her or the stray cats) to control the running.
I am proud to say I am 75 years old and both dogs (Chelsey, Aussie/border collie) walk our mile or two everyday.
Thank you so much for all the help.