Our girl is an 86 lb Bernese Mtn Dog. She is regaining her mobility after being back on GlycanAid HA for the last, what 2 weeks? — we saw a significant decline in her when we ran out of the GlycanAid HA factor. She’s had 2 TTA’s, the last being a year ago in November. It’s heartening to see she can play in the snow again. Just 2 weeks ago she couldn’t climb the stairs, and she’d only been off the meds a couple of weeks. I must get on the auto ship program, I can’t do this to her ever again. We ran out as I was trying to find a Canadian supplier, as I was worried about the hassles of Canadian customs, but we had no problem with either extra charges or timing.
Thanks for caring enough to provide true quality ingredients. How is a consumer to know unless an ethical vet like yourself puts their expertise and knowledge behind a product. I can’t say enough how much it means to see our girl seemingly out of pain and jumping in the snow, like a Berner should be.