getting your dog to eat after surgery feature item

Getting Your Dog to Eat After Surgery

Undergoing surgery – a tightrope surgery, an ACL, FHO, or TPLO surgery, for example – is no small feat. Many canine surgeries (even non-invasive ones) require full anesthesia, so it’s no surprise that your pup may not feel quite like themselves upon waking. And if your dog has had a serious procedure that requires a…

e-collar, cones & alternatives feature image

E-collars, Cones and Alternatives

The Cone of Shame… the Lamp Shade… the Pet Radar Dish… such is the dreaded fate of post-surgery animals everywhere. If your dog is not a huge fan of the Elizabethan Collar or E-collar for short, you’re not alone. At TopDog Health, we hear this comment all day long. For loving pet parents, it can…

Do I need pet insurance feature image

Why You Need Pet Insurance: Insider Info from a Veterinarian

Whenever the subject of pet insurance comes up with one of my clients, the question they’re most likely to ask is: “Is pet insurance worth it?” Every time, with every client, my answer is always a resounding “absolutely.” Usually, my clients will then express concerns over “wasting” money on pet insurance premiums, or say something…