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3 Ways to Show Your Dog’s Joints Some Love in 5 Minutes or Less

This month is all about love. Being the doting pet parent that we know you are, there’s no doubt your pup feels the love daily in the form of belly rubs, games of fetch, and well-deserved treats. But there’s one thing even the most devoted pet owners often tend to neglect: their dog’s joints. In…

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Best People Food (Yes, People Food!) for Arthritic Dogs + 5 Natural Recipes

Who hasn’t heard the famous Hippocrates quote, “Let food be thy medicine, and medicine be thy food”? Although we usually think of this as applying to us humans, it’s just as relevant for man’s best friend. And it especially holds true if your canine companion is suffering from arthritis. Here at TopDog Health, we believe…

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8 Ways Cold Weather Can Affect Your Dog: What to Watch For and How to Help

Increased Joint Stiffness and Discomfort Greater Danger of Slipping/Falling and Exposure to Toxins Difficulty Regulating Body Temperature in Sick or Elderly Dogs Increased Risk of Disorientation Altered Metabolism Susceptibility to Frostbite Potential Skin Irritation Risk of Being Left in Cold Cars While it’s tempting to think your dog’s fur coat will provide everything they need…