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Can a Dog’s ACL Repair Itself Without Surgery

This is quite a common question for dog owners, likely because ACL injuries are the most common musculoskeletal issues orthopedic veterinary clinics see in canines – affecting more than a million dogs every year. And due to the vast amount of information on canine ACL tears on the internet, it’s no wonder there’s confusion on…

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Can Small Dogs Get Hip Dysplasia?

The unfortunate answer to this question is yes, small dogs can get hip dysplasia. While it’s certainly more common in large and giant breed dogs, certain breeds of small and medium-sized dogs are also prone to developing the disease. In ascending order from most affected (Pugs) to least affected (Tibetan Terrier) Small dogs that are…

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Can I Give My Dog Pain Medication?

Seeing your dog in pain is never easy, and of course, you want to do whatever you can to bring them relief as soon as possible. There are many safe and effective pain relievers made specifically for dogs. However, it’s very important to avoid giving your dog anything that comes out of your medicine cabinet.…