My German Shepherd has been on GlycanAid-HA and Flexerna for over a month and is doing really well. He’s moving about far better than before – although in fairness he’s also recovering from TPLO surgery, so I’d expect him to be doing better. The thing is before surgery his other knee seemed to have issues as well and that knee had to do extra weight-bearing while he recovered from the surgery. So the fact that he’s not favoring either leg and able to get up readily and anxious to do all sorts of activity says to me he’s doing a lot better. He loves the GlycanAid-HA and seems to view it as a treat rather than something I have to trick him into taking, which makes it easier for me. He’s doing so well, I have no intention of stopping the GlycanAid-HA even though empirically that would be a better testament as to its effectiveness. While there are other somewhat similar products out there, TopDog seems dedicated to making sure that the ingredients are first-rate, not cheaper less effective versions. And if you have questions, Dr. J. will respond to you himself, which increases my confidence in these products.
Ellen Anon
I just ordered the Glycanaid HA and Flexerna for my son’s dog (Boone, an 8 year old Choc. Lab) after seeing such great improvement with my own dog – Judge. Boone has had joint problems since puppyhood (front leg surgery for too fast growth? and two knee surgeries). I think his quality of life would have been much better had we known about TopDog Rehab and Health! He is now having more problems and I was so impressed with Judge’s recovery and the two supplements that I wanted Boone to have the benefit hopefully too. If they help him I will purchase them for him as well as for our Dog Judge who is about 13-14 weeks post his surgery. Thanks a lot!
Joan Beard